Monday, October 6, 2008

80's what what

This week was really different b/c we had lecturers on inductive bible study. Last week was more self reflective where this week was a lot more like school. We had an awesome speaker named Paul who is a former YWAM Maui student & he gave us lots of amazing ways to get more our of our bibles. It was also neat b/c we were with the School of Biblical Studies & Missions, another YWAM school that is taking place at a base just down the road from us. We all met at a church in Haiku called Hope Chapel for the lectures.

It was also a great week because we went to Lahaina & Kaanapali beach on the West side of the island which is the more touristy section. First we rented surfboards in Lahaina & we actually all got up! Then we headed to Kaanapali beach where you can cliff jump off of black rock & snorkel in the most amazing water! There are fish & sea turtles swimming all around you, so beautiful! After the group went back to Paia & met up with more people for some yummy crepes :) We hitched home & it was the craziest one so far! The guy was driving all over the road, a bit freaky. Don’t worry he was just having fun & usually the hitches are really nice locals with neat stories.

We also had a bonfire on base this week, went body surfing at P-bay in Paia, went shopping @ Queen K mall and had a crazy 80’s party that everyone got super dressed up for. Plus every Sunday night we head into walmart/starbucks/borders (chapters) for a town run so the students can pick up things they need. We are kept super busy at this base!

Tomorrow we start a week on worldviews.

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