Thursday, November 27, 2008
vintage 21
Friday, November 14, 2008
Baptisms - with video!
Wondering why i did this? Baptism illustrates a believer’s identification with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. The action of being immersed in the water illustrates being buried with Jesus. The action of coming out of the water pictures Jesus' resurrection. As my friend Chris Lopez put it "It's outward expression of an inward experience" Basically it public shows that I'm following Jesus.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A few weeks ago a bunch of us helped out at a Maui marathon called Xtera. We were on the road at 5:30am heading to the south side. After the race Amy, Christin & I went to hang out (or maybe it was sneak in) at any amazing hotel called the Grand Wailea with gorgeous pools & hot tubs. Then on Sunday we went to twin falls where there are waterfalls & rope swings to jump into a natural spring water pond. 2 weekends ago we had a base wide "marathon" where we ran from our place in Haiku to another base in Paia which is 11.4km away. & I ran it & as most of you know this is a big thing for non-athletic me! Last week we went to Big Beach which is on the South side of the island. It’s of course beautiful but really touristy.
Lecture update :)
Then we did a week (Oct 20-24) called New Hearts which was taught by an amazing couple - Vince & Lesa. Vince & Lesa were the Maui base directors for 7 years & have recently moved back to Alabama. They came over to Maui with their family – 3 girls, 1 boy & Grandma who all helped out. The week really brought to light issue from our past. Vince & Lesa taught us about surrendering people, events & issues from our past & present over to God & how to accept his healing. I’d never really contemplated how much we hold on to small things from our past & how they shape the person we are now. We often think we have it all under control ourselves. Vince, Lesa & family also helped out with our outreach prep teaching us dramas that we can use on our outreaches & filling us with advice from their 30 years of Missions work. They are such an amazing family who took the entire week to pour completely in to us.
Oct 27-31, which was also media fast week, was a Bible overview. The base director Tom Osterhuss was our lecturer. He concentrated on the Old Testament, discussing the covenants & prophecies of Jesus. He really enlightened me about how the Old Testament was recorded 1000’s of years before Jesus came to earth & there are 332 prophecies that were written down about the birth, life & death of the Messiah & Jesus fulfills each & everyone one. Plus these prophecies were very specific for example the prophet Zechariah predicted that the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver & when Judas gave info to the soldiers about Jesus’ whereabouts they paid Judas 30 pieces of silver. This just blew my mind that people were writing down predictions & claiming they were from God & then they actually ALL happened by someone who claimed to be God. It’s just amazing how big this world is & how little I know.
Last week (Nov 3-7) was on leadership & what it means to be a servant leader. Last week was also the US election & it was really neat to be in the US for it. Our base did a 24hr fast & pray from Mon to Tues. I loved that I was able to be apart of such a historic moment.
This week we have a couple from Texas speaking on Identity in Christ.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
media fast!
Sorry it’s been a few weeks since I last wrote. Things have been pretty hectic around here, busy schedules with some heavy stuff. PLUS 2 weeks ago (last week of Oct) we went on week long corporate media fast. Meaning no computers, music, tv, movies & cell phones. Not the must fun but we did hang out together a lot more & learned how we turn to them for comfort instead of God or each other. I’ve leaned it’s a good thing to check in with ourselves & see if we can go without things in our lives. More to come but my internet is being cut of ...