Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lecture update :)

Oct 13-17 we did a week on relationships which was surprising enlightening for both the guys & girls. We had an amazing speaker named Abbie who’s gone through a ton of stuff in her life included loosing her husband after two years of marriage; she has so much wisdom & discernment.

Then we did a week (Oct 20-24) called New Hearts which was taught by an amazing couple - Vince & Lesa. Vince & Lesa were the Maui base directors for 7 years & have recently moved back to Alabama. They came over to Maui with their family – 3 girls, 1 boy & Grandma who all helped out. The week really brought to light issue from our past. Vince & Lesa taught us about surrendering people, events & issues from our past & present over to God & how to accept his healing. I’d never really contemplated how much we hold on to small things from our past & how they shape the person we are now. We often think we have it all under control ourselves. Vince, Lesa & family also helped out with our outreach prep teaching us dramas that we can use on our outreaches & filling us with advice from their 30 years of Missions work. They are such an amazing family who took the entire week to pour completely in to us.

Oct 27-31, which was also media fast week, was a Bible overview. The base director Tom Osterhuss was our lecturer. He concentrated on the Old Testament, discussing the covenants & prophecies of Jesus. He really enlightened me about how the Old Testament was recorded 1000’s of years before Jesus came to earth & there are 332 prophecies that were written down about the birth, life & death of the Messiah & Jesus fulfills each & everyone one. Plus these prophecies were very specific for example the prophet Zechariah predicted that the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver & when Judas gave info to the soldiers about Jesus’ whereabouts they paid Judas 30 pieces of silver. This just blew my mind that people were writing down predictions & claiming they were from God & then they actually ALL happened by someone who claimed to be God. It’s just amazing how big this world is & how little I know.

Last week (Nov 3-7) was on leadership & what it means to be a servant leader. Last week was also the US election & it was really neat to be in the US for it. Our base did a 24hr fast & pray from Mon to Tues. I loved that I was able to be apart of such a historic moment.

This week we have a couple from Texas speaking on Identity in Christ.

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