Saturday, September 13, 2008


All my flights were good. I had a an extra 2 hours in San Fran but while i was waiting I actually met a girl who was coming to YWAM also. We were picked up at the airport by a few staff memebers & then drove back along the gorgeous ocean to the base.

The base is great, super relaxed, a little messy and filled with awesome people for ALL over the world. The room I sleep in is a bit crazy because it's 18 girls in the one room with bunk beds that are three beds high. I luckily am on the bottom of a bunk! My bed is beside a girl from Winnipeg and her name is actually Amy! The school officially starts tomorrow evening so Thurs & Fri people were arriving & settling in. Since I arrived Thursday & I was able to unpack right away I had all of Friday free.

There was a group worship service at 8 am & then a few girls & I went to the beach. The beach is about a 10min drive from the base. There are a few beaches (obviously!) today we went to Baby Beach which is just outside of the town of Paia. & you will never guess who we saw there …. Chris Noth (Mr. Big from sex and the city) so random. He was there with his fam & just strolling around. Also a few people from the base ran in to Owen Wilson in Paia a couple days ago. Apparently Im living in a secret celeb getaway spot. The area im in is quite secluded & not very touristy. There was only about 10-15 people on the beach. But so beautiful, it’s exactly as you picture Hawaii. Also to get back from the beach to the base we had to either take a bus or hitchhike & so of course we did as the Hawaiians & hitchhiked! Such a cool thing to do; just sitting in the back of a pickup driving beside the blue ocean.

Saturday we all woke up super early (6am) and went out and played a game of volleyball. Then a few girls went in to the beach again. Tonight is the official opening night. We will be going into the Haiku church for the opening night party. It's exciting that we will be able to meet & see everyone involved with the DTS. Images don't want to seem to load on here so you can check out pictures at this link -

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