Thursday, September 18, 2008

Exodus duh … duh … duh

Saturday night was the official kick off of the Discipleship Training School (DTS) & of the School of Biblical Foundations for Missions (SBFM). We got dressed up & headed into a church in the town of Haiku for a reception. It was a great way to meet everyone & to see who was staffing what & what everyone’s roles are. In the DTS there are 28 students – 11 boys & 18 girls. We have 8 staff 4 boys, 4 girls. Near the end of the reception all the DTS students were handed a piece of paper that said to pack 1 pair of long pants, one pair of short pants, 1 shirt, 1 sweatshirt, 1 pair of runners, 1 pair of sandals, 3 pairs of underwear, 1 pair of socks, bathing suit, camera, sunscreen & sleeping bag (& this included what you were wearing).
We were told to be ready by 6:30am. At 6:30 we were up and eating a pancake breakfast – YUM! We then all pilled into the vans, driven to a park, split into teams & given a team egg. Each team had to create a name & cheer – TEAM OSCAR. Then we discovered what we were up to … a MAUI wide scavenger hunt where we had to hitchhike every where as a team! The rules were to take pictures of everything on the list with the team egg & be at IAO valley ball 12:30. Our team booked it around the island doing crazy things like handstands in church ground, putting Mumu’s on in Wal-Mart, building sandcastles & that’s just a few. Our team lucked out & hitched rides with awesome people who waited for us & actually drove us to multiple locations. We arrived 1 hour before deadline & won the race!
In IAO valley we had our packed PJ sandwich lunch & did an hour of quite time. From the valley we piled into the cars & waited to see where we were taken. We stopped at a horse ranch where we walked down to a “campsite” on a cliff by the ocean. We all proceeded to make a campsite some people got fired wood, some set up the tarps for sleeping & others made our bathroom (eww!). We quickly discovered that we were not sure how long we were going to be stuck on exodus, that we were only eating oatmeal & Chinese noodles the entire time & we could not swim in the ocean b/c the waves were too big. Thankfully our exodus was only 2 nights, 3 days but let me tell you it was hard. We played icebreaker games & one of the afternoons walked to an amazing rock garden where we could swim. It was also great b/c we were able to hear everyone’s testimonies which was such a blessing. However a lot of the time was sitting around hungry! Plus there were HUGE centipedes that came out a night - so gross! The last afternoon the leaders got us all to play duck, duck, goose but with pouring mud instead of patting the head, this just ended in a huge mud fight. We were all convinced that we were leaving after this but the leaders were trying to trick us into believing we were changing camp sites. They went as far as to go to another beach have us all pile out with our bags then say there was a mix up & we have to go to a local church for dinner & to figure out where we will stay the night. At this point we were filthy, exhausted & so hungry (see pics). We were not impressed. When we arrived at the church, upset, we entered & all the staff was there with a huge feast for us. It was amazing!
Over all we learned tons about each other & tons about how great we have it on base. But I don’t want to do it anytime soon! See all the pics here -- Plus more pics are posted here --

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