Saturday, September 20, 2008

outreach locations revealed

We were given the choice of 3 spots for outreach - We were given less then 24 hours to pray about it & decide where to go without talking to anyone else. My gut reaction was Bangladesh because of its high population of Muslims (85%). After taking an Islamic studies course, in my last year at York U, I have such a heart for the religion & how they live. SO … I am going to BANGLADESH! A team of 10 students & 2 leaders will be taking off the first week of December to pour out to the nation of Bangladesh for 3 months. As of now we are unsure of where we'll be staying or exactly what we'll be called to do, these details will be worked out over the next couple months!
My team consists of:
Jill from Seattle
Amber from Pittsburgh
Ellisiv from Norway
Tara from Vancouver
Christin from Nashville
Grant from Minnesota
Paul from Australia
Chris from Washington (state)
Kyle from Minnesota
Brandon from Florida
Rachel from all over the US
& me!


- Declared Independence from Pakistan on March 26, 1971

- Bounded by India from the North. East and West by the Bay of Bengal & Myanmar from the South.

- 7th most densely populated nation in the world (130 million ppl)

- Muslim 85%, Hindu 14%, Buddhist 1%. Christianity is only .4%!

- The national sport of Bangladesh is Kabadi: a 7-a-side team sport
played without a ball or any other equipment. Taking turns, a player must try and tag a player from the opposing team, without taking a breath.

- Bangladesh remains among the poorest nations in the world with nearly half of the population living on less than 1 USD a day- Cox's Bazar, in the south, has a beach that stretches uninterrupted over 120 kilometres, making it the longest unbroken beach in the world.

-Rickshaws in Bangladesh cover 29,000,000 million km a day (twice the distance covered by the London Underground).

- The official language is Bangla, also known as Bengali

- The left hand is considered unclean so only EAT (yup eating with my hands), pass dishes or drink with the right hand

- Currency is the Taka.

- Bangladesh is a parliamentary democracy with Islam as the state religion.

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